Radar Contact

Season 2 - 006 - Expert view on UTM developments - Philip Butterworth-Hayes - Unmanned Airspace

March 29, 2022 FoxATM Season 2 Episode 6

In this episode, Philip Butterworth-Hayes, the publisher of Unmanned Airspace shares his view on the future of UTM. We discussed the following:

  • Position of Unmannedairspace.info and how you watch the industry
  • The roles of ANSPs and the industry (USSPs, CISPs, …) in UTM
  • The biggest UTM illusions that did not came true in the last years, and what are the next ones that will go down (or not)
  • Role of local organizations (cities, counties,…) and the ownership of very low altitude urban airspace
  • Evolution of UAM in the next 5 and 50 years