Radar Contact
Air Traffic Management podcast by Global Airspace Radar - One new episode every second Tuesday.
Radar Contact
Season 3 - 020 - AI applications in ATM - David Perez - DataBeacon & Innaxis
Season 3
Episode 20
In this podcast episode David Perez - the CEO of DataBeacon and MD of Innaxis, talks about what Data Beacon is and what are its offerings, shares his views about data analytics industry in the US and in Europe, certification of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) tools for ATC. We learn about DataBeacon's recent implementation of the ADS-B based solution for AFIS officers, provided in 6 airports in the UK, and what could the future bring in terms of ADS-B only, AI and ML based tools in ATC. David also shares his ideas about the ATM in the next 5 and 50 years from now.