Radar Contact

Season 5 - 003 - First USSP Certification at EASA level - Amit Ganjoo, ANRA Technologies

FoxATM Season 5 Episode 3

Claudia Bacco speaks with Amit Ganjoo about how ANRA Technologies is getting ready to become the first U-Space Service Provider (USSP) certified at EASA level.

  • How should multiple USSPs work in the same U-Spaces?
  • What states should prepare and offer to USSPs to make the competition possible? 
  • Which Common Infrastructure Service Provider (CISP) models exist and why it is important to choose one and the same for all of Europe?
  • How the certification process is organised, with differences at EASA and national regulators levels?

Amit also explains where ANRA stands with the current certification of their systems.