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017 - Cooperation between ANSPs: Portugal’s Perspective - Marcos Costa - NavPortugal

December 07, 2021 FoxATM Episode 17

In this episode we had a guest from Portugal. Marcos Coelho Costa is the Member of Corporate Strategy and External Affairs at NavPortugal, the Portuguese ANSP.  The topic of this episode is Cooperations between ANSPs: Portugal’s Perspective and we discussed the following:

  • The level of cooperation in air traffic management has been constantly increasing in the last decades - what does this mean concretely for NavPortugal
  • Thought on the actual results of cooperation strategies
  • As NavPortugal controls a lot of oceanic airspace, they co-operate outside of Europe too. What are the partners and what are the challenges of working with ANSPs thousands of miles apart
  • Considering the long lasting collaboration with some Portuguese speaking ANSPs, how have NavPortugal achieved to maintain it and strengthen it throughout the years
  • Tip to someone new to the domain wanting to look for new partnerships
  • ATC in 5 years & in 50 years